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1944 words10 min read
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    Curtis Warcup

A graph data structure consists of a finite (and possibly mutable) set of vertices or nodes or points, together with a set of unordered pairs of these vertices for an undirected graph or a set of ordered pairs for a directed graph.

Is a collection of nodes and connections between these nodes.

There is no parent node, starting place.

Types of Graphs

Undirected Graph

  • No direction to the edges.
  • think of a highway system, you can drive both ways on the highway.

Directed Graph

  • useful for modeling relationships where the direction matters.
    • traffic flow
    • Twitter

Weighted Graph

  • You can have information about the edges.
  • Useful for modeling things like roads, where you might want to know the distance between two cities.
  • used a lot for calculating optimal paths.

Cyclic Graph

  • when you can get back to the same node you started at.
  • common in weighted graphs.


  • Vertex: a node
  • Edge: connection between nodes
  • Weighted/Unweighted: values assigned to distances between vertices
  • Directed/Undirected: directions assigned to distances between vertices


Undirected = can go from A to B, or B to A.

Directed Graph - often represented with arrows. C is basically a dead end.

weighted graph

Unweighted - each edge has no value assigned with it. Weighted graph - has information about the connection between vertices.

Adjacency Matrix

Data we are going to represented.

Can use a table. 0 = no connection 1 = has connection

Adjacency List

Uses an array or list to store the edges. Can see there's a that 0 has an edge with 5 and 1.

What if our nodes are not numeric? What is they are string? We use a hash table

Will be going forward using an ADJACENCY LIST because most real world data looks like this (larger and more sparse).

Graph Class for undirected graph

class Graph {
  constructor() {
    this.adjacencyList = {}

Add a Vertex

  • write a method called addVertex, which accepts a name of a vertex.
  • it should add a key to the adjacency list with the name of the vertex and set its value to be an empty array.
class Graph {
  constructor() {
    this.adjacencyList = {}
  addVertex(vertex) {
    if (!this.adjacencyList[vertex]) this.adjacencyList[vertex] = []

let g = new Graph()
g.addVertex('San Francisco')
g.addVertex('New York')

Adding an EDGE

  • edge represents a connection between vertexes.
  • should accept two vertices.
  • the function should find in the adjacency list the key of vertex 1 and push **vertex2 **to the array.
  • The function should find in the adjacency list the key of vertex2 and push vertex1 to the array.
class Graph {
  constructor() {
    this.adjacencyList = {};
  addVertex(vertex) {
    if (!this.adjacencyList[vertex]) this.adjacencyList[vertex] = [];
  addEdge(v1, v2) {

let g = new Graph();

g.addEdge('Tokyo', 'Dallas');

{ Dallas: [ 'Tokyo' ], Tokyo: [ 'Dallas' ], Aspen: [] }

Removing an edge

  • This function should accept two vertices, we'll call them vertex1 and vertex2
  • The function should reassign the key of vertex1 to be an array that does not contain vertex2
  • The function should reassign the key of vertex2 to be an array that does not contain vertex1
class Graph {
  constructor() {
    this.adjacencyList = {};
  addVertex(vertex) {
    if (!this.adjacencyList[vertex]) this.adjacencyList[vertex] = [];
  addEdge(v1, v2) {
  removeEdge(vertex1, vertex2) {
    this.adjacencyList[vertex1] = this.adjacencyList[vertex1].filter(
      (v) => v !== vertex2
    this.adjacencyList[vertex2] = this.adjacencyList[vertex2].filter(
      (v) => v !== vertex1
    //keep everything where it is NOT equal to vertex2

let g = new Graph();

g.addEdge('Tokyo', 'Dallas');
g.addEdge('Tokyo', 'Aspen');

  Dallas: [ 'Tokyo' ],
  Tokyo: [ 'Dallas', 'Aspen' ],
  Aspen: [ 'Tokyo' ]

g.removeEdge('Tokyo', 'Dallas');
g.removeEdge('Tokyo', 'Aspen');

console.log(g); // { Dallas: [], Tokyo: [], Aspen: [] }

Removing a vertex

  • will need to remove the vertex AND the edge between them.
  • The function should accept a vertex to remove
  • The function should loop as long as there are any other vertices in the adjacency list for that vertex
  • Inside of the loop, call our removeEdge function with the vertex we are removing and any values in the adjacency list for that vertex
  • delete the key in the adjacency list for that vertex
            const adjacentVertex = this.adjacencyList[vertex].pop();
            this.removeEdge(vertex, adjacentVertex);
        delete this.adjacencyList[vertex]

    let g = new Graph();
g.addVertex("Los Angeles");
g.addVertex("Hong Kong")
g.addEdge("Dallas", "Tokyo");
g.addEdge("Dallas", "Aspen");
g.addEdge("Hong Kong", "Tokyo");
g.addEdge("Hong Kong", "Dallas");
g.addEdge("Los Angeles", "Hong Kong");
g.addEdge("Los Angeles", "Aspen");

// { Dallas: [ 'Tokyo', 'Aspen', 'Hong Kong' ],
     Tokyo: [ 'Dallas', 'Hong Kong' ],
     Aspen: [ 'Dallas', 'Los Angeles' ],
     'Los Angeles': [ 'Hong Kong', 'Aspen' ],
     'Hong Kong': [ 'Tokyo', 'Dallas', 'Los Angeles' ] }

g.removeVertex("Hong Kong");

// { Dallas: [ 'Tokyo', 'Aspen' ],
     Tokyo: [ 'Dallas' ],
     Aspen: [ 'Dallas', 'Los Angeles' ],
     'Los Angeles': [ 'Aspen' ] }

class Graph {
  constructor() {
    this.adjacencyList = {}
  addVertex(vertex) {
    if (!this.adjacencyList[vertex]) this.adjacencyList[vertex] = []
  addEdge(v1, v2) {
  removeEdge(vertex1, vertex2) {
    this.adjacencyList[vertex1] = this.adjacencyList[vertex1].filter((v) => v !== vertex2)
    this.adjacencyList[vertex2] = this.adjacencyList[vertex2].filter((v) => v !== vertex1)
  removeVertex(vertex) {
    while (this.adjacencyList[vertex].length) {
      const adjacentVertex = this.adjacencyList[vertex].pop()
      this.removeEdge(vertex, adjacentVertex)
    delete this.adjacencyList[vertex]

let g = new Graph()
g.addVertex('Los Angeles')
g.addVertex('Hong Kong')
g.addEdge('Dallas', 'Tokyo')
g.addEdge('Dallas', 'Aspen')
g.addEdge('Hong Kong', 'Tokyo')
g.addEdge('Hong Kong', 'Dallas')
g.addEdge('Los Angeles', 'Hong Kong')
g.addEdge('Los Angeles', 'Aspen')