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Detecting Linked List Loops

444 words3 min read
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    Curtis Warcup

In a circular linked list, we do NOT have a tail node. The "last node" points to a node within the list.

The current methods for iterating over a linked list such as for...of or forEach will not work with a circular linked list because these use a node that points to null to complete the loop. In a circular linked list, no node points to null.


const l = new List()
const a = new Node('a')
const b = new Node('b')
const c = new Node('c')
l.head = a = b = c = b
circular(l) // true

Strategy - Circular Linked List

  • use two pointers, slow and fast to iterate through the linked list.
  • initialize both points to the head of the linked list.
  • if the next two nodes after fast are defined, we will move fast two nodes ahead and slow one node ahead.
  • we then do a check to see if fast is pointing to the same node as slow.
    • if it is, we know that the linked list is circular.
    • If not, we continue to iterate through the linked list, moving fast up two nodes and slow one node.

Circular Linked List Solution

function circular(list) {
  let slow = list.head
  let fast = list.head

  // loop as long as fast has two nodes ahead of it.
  while ( && {
    slow =
    fast =

    // compare slow and fast nodes
    // compare the nodes in memory, not the data
    if (slow === fast) {
      return true // circular
  return false // not circular