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Heaps and Priority Queues

4566 words23 min read
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    Curtis Warcup
Table of Contents

Heaps are another category of tree. All the rules that apply to trees will also apply to heaps however, heaps have some special rules.


Binary Heap

Is very similar to a binary search tree, but there are some different rules.

  • In a MaxBinaryHeap, the parent nodes are always larger than the child nodes.
  • In a MinBinaryHeap, the parent nodes are always smaller than the child nodes.
  • In a heap, the parent can have at most two children. However, unlike a tree, there is no order to the children. The children can be either left or right.

Binary Heaps Binary Heaps

Max Binary Heap

  • Each parent has at most two child nodes
  • The value of each parent node is always greater than its child nodes
  • In a max Binary Heap the parent is greater than the children, but there are no guarantees between sibling nodes.
  • A binary heap is as compact as possible. All the children of each node are as full as they can be and left children are filled out first
  • The root node is the largest node in the heap

Binary Heaps are used to implement Priority Queues, which are very commonly used data structures

They are also used quite a bit, with graph traversal algorithms

Relationship between Parent and Child in a MaxBinaryHeap

Finding child based off of parent:

  • For any index of an array n...
    • The left child is stored at 2n + 1
    • The right child is stored at 2n + 2

Find the parent using the child node:

  • For any child node at index n...
  • The parent is stored at Math.floor((n - 1) / 2)

Class Constructor - MaxBinaryHeap

class MaxBinaryHeap {
  constructor() {
    this.values = [];

Just storing values into an array. We do not need a node class, pointers or a left/right.

Insert - MaxBinaryHeap

Inserting something into the tree is done by push()ing a value to the end of the array. It will most likely NOT be in the correct place. We then need to bubble up the value to the correct place (swap it until it finds the correct place).


  • add the value to the end of the array push().
  • bubble up (swap value until the value is in the correct spot. Larger values move up).
    • compare the value to its parent value using Math.floor((n-1)/2).
      • if value is larger, swap parent and value.
      • if value is smaller, leave it.
class MaxBinaryHeap {
  constructor() {
    this.values = []
  insert(element) {
  bubbleUp() {
    let index = this.values.length - 1 // keeps track of where the newly added element is.
    const element = this.values[index]
    while (index > 0) {
      let parentIndex = Math.floor((index - 1) / 2) // get index of parent
      let parent = this.values[parentIndex] // get parent value
      if (element <= parent) break
      this.values[parentIndex] = element
      this.values[index] = parent
      index = parentIndex

let heap = new MaxBinaryHeap()

console.log(heap) // [ 55, 39, 41, 18, 27, 12, 33 ]

ExtractMax() - Removing max element from a heap

  • Remove the root.
  • Replace root with the most recently added.
  • Adjust (sink down)
    • Sinking down is the procedure for deleting the root/max element in a heap or the minimum element, and restoring the properties of the heap.
    • Is also known as down-heap, bubble down, or heapify down.

Sink Down:

  • Compare new root to its children
    • Swap larger child with root.
    • Continue comparing children and their parent.
    • If no larger child exists, then parent is in the correct spot.

Pseudocode ExtractMax():

  • Swap the first value in the values property with the last one.
  • Pop() from the values property, so you can return the value at the end.
  • Have the new root "sink down" to the correct spot...​
    • Parent index starts at 0 (the root).
    • Find the index of the left child:
      • 2 * index + 1 (make sure its not out of bounds)
    • Find the index of the right child:
      • 2 * index + 2 (make sure its not out of bounds)
    • If the left or right child is greater than the parent element..SWAP.
    • If both left and right children are larger, swap with the largest child.
    • The child index you swapped to now becomes the new parent index.
    • Keep looping and swapping until neither child is larger than the element.
    • Return the old root.
//    0   1   2   3   4   5   6    // index
// [ 55, 39, 41, 18, 27, 12, 33 ]

class MaxBinaryHeap {
  constructor() {
    this.values = []

  extractMax() {
    const max = this.values[0] // get max element, will be the root
    const end = this.values.pop() // remove the last element
    if (this.values.length > 0) {
      this.values[0] = end // set last element as root
      this.sinkDown() // sink down the new root
    return max

  sinkDown() {
    let index = 0 // starts at root
    const length = this.values.length
    const element = this.values[0]

    while (true) {
      let leftChildIndex = 2 * index + 1 // get index of left child
      let rightChildIndex = 2 * index + 2 // get index of right child
      let leftChild, rightChild // initialized, but not declared b/c they may be out of bounds
      let swap = null // keeps track of variable we are going to be swapping with

      // left side of the heap
      if (leftChildIndex < length) {
        leftChild = this.values[leftChildIndex] // left child in a variable
        if (leftChild > element) {
          // compare left child to parent
          swap = leftChildIndex

      // right side of the heap
      if (rightChildIndex < length) {
        rightChild = this.values[rightChildIndex] // right child in a variable
        if (
          (swap === null && rightChild > element) || // if left child was NOT greater than parent element
          (swap !== null && rightChild > leftChild) // OR if left child WAS greater than parent element and right child is greater than left child
        ) {
          swap = rightChildIndex
      if (swap === null) break
      // swap
      this.values[index] = this.values[swap] // swapping with either the left or right child.
      this.values[swap] = element
      index = swap

let heap = new MaxBinaryHeap()
console.log(heap) // [ 55, 39, 41, 18, 27, 12, 33 ]
console.log(heap.extractMax()) // 55
console.log(heap) // [ 39, 41, 18, 27, 12, 33 ]

Complete MaxBinaryHeap class

class MaxBinaryHeap {
  constructor() {
    this.values = []

  insert(element) {

  bubbleUp() {
    let index = this.values.length - 1 // keeps track of where the newly added element is.
    const element = this.values[index]
    while (index > 0) {
      let parentIndex = Math.floor((index - 1) / 2) // get index of parent
      let parent = this.values[parentIndex] // get parent value
      if (element <= parent) break
      this.values[parentIndex] = element
      this.values[index] = parent
      index = parentIndex

  extractMax() {
    const max = this.values[0] // get max element, will be the root
    const end = this.values.pop() // remove the last element
    if (this.values.length > 0) {
      this.values[0] = end // set last element as root
      this.sinkDown() // sink down the new root
    return max

  sinkDown() {
    let index = 0 // starts at root
    const length = this.values.length
    const element = this.values[0]

    while (true) {
      let leftChildIndex = 2 * index + 1 // get index of left child
      let rightChildIndex = 2 * index + 2 // get index of right child
      let leftChild, rightChild // initialized, but not declared b/c they may be out of bounds
      let swap = null // keeps track of variable we are going to be swapping with

      // left side of the heap
      if (leftChildIndex < length) {
        leftChild = this.values[leftChildIndex] // left child in a variable
        if (leftChild > element) {
          // compare left child to parent
          swap = leftChildIndex

      // right side of the heap
      if (rightChildIndex < length) {
        rightChild = this.values[rightChildIndex] // right child in a variable
        if (
          (swap === null && rightChild > element) || // if left child was NOT greater than parent element
          (swap !== null && rightChild > leftChild) // OR if left child WAS greater than parent element and right child is greater than left child
        ) {
          swap = rightChildIndex
      if (swap === null) break
      // swap
      this.values[index] = this.values[swap] // swapping with either the left or right child.
      this.values[swap] = element
      index = swap

let heap = new MaxBinaryHeap()
console.log(heap) // [ 55, 39, 41, 18, 27, 12, 33 ]
console.log(heap) // [ 100, 55, 41, 39, 27, 12, 33, 18 ]
console.log(heap.extractMax()) // 100
console.log(heap) // [ 55, 39, 41, 18, 27, 12, 33 ]


class MinHeap {
  constructor() {
    /* Initialing the array heap and adding a dummy element at index 0 */
    this.heap = [null]

  getMin() {
    /* Accessing the min element at index 1 in the heap array */
    return this.heap[1]

  insert(node) {
    /* Inserting the new node at the end of the heap array */

    /* Finding the correct position for the new node */

    if (this.heap.length > 1) {
      let current = this.heap.length - 1

      /* Traversing up the parent node until the current node (current) is greater than the parent (current/2)*/
      while (current > 1 && this.heap[Math.floor(current / 2)] > this.heap[current]) {
        /* Swapping the two nodes by using the ES6 destructuring syntax*/
        ;[this.heap[Math.floor(current / 2)], this.heap[current]] = [
          this.heap[Math.floor(current / 2)],
        current = Math.floor(current / 2)

  remove() {
    /* Smallest element is at the index 1 in the heap array */
    let smallest = this.heap[1]

    /* When there are more than two elements in the array, we put the right most element at the first position
            and start comparing nodes with the child nodes
    if (this.heap.length > 2) {
      this.heap[1] = this.heap[this.heap.length - 1]
      this.heap.splice(this.heap.length - 1)

      if (this.heap.length === 3) {
        if (this.heap[1] > this.heap[2]) {
          ;[this.heap[1], this.heap[2]] = [this.heap[2], this.heap[1]]
        return smallest

      let current = 1
      let leftChildIndex = current * 2
      let rightChildIndex = current * 2 + 1

      while (
        this.heap[leftChildIndex] &&
        this.heap[rightChildIndex] &&
        (this.heap[current] > this.heap[leftChildIndex] ||
          this.heap[current] > this.heap[rightChildIndex])
      ) {
        if (this.heap[leftChildIndex] < this.heap[rightChildIndex]) {
          ;[this.heap[current], this.heap[leftChildIndex]] = [
          current = leftChildIndex
        } else {
          ;[this.heap[current], this.heap[rightChildIndex]] = [
          current = rightChildIndex

        leftChildIndex = current * 2
        rightChildIndex = current * 2 + 1
    } else if (this.heap.length === 2) {
      /* If there are only two elements in the array, we directly splice out the first element */
      this.heap.splice(1, 1)
    } else {
      return null

    return smallest

Priority Queue

What is a priority queue?

  • A data structure where each element has a priority.
  • Elements with higher priorities are removed before elements with lower priorities.
  • Fre separate from heaps.

The heap is constructed using priority

  • Write a MinBinaryHeap
    • lower number means higher priority.
  • Each Node has a value and a priority. Use the priority to build the heap.
  • Enqueue method accepts a value and priority, makes a new node, and puts it in the right spot based off of its priority.
  • Dequeue method removes root element, returns it, and rearranges heap using priority.

In order to make a MinBinaryHeap, we need to add priority and change the comparison < to > signs.

class Node {
  constructor(val, priority) {
    this.val = val
    this.priority = priority

class PriorityQueue {
  constructor() {
    this.values = []
  // accepts a value and priority, makes a new node, and puts it in the right spot based off of its priority.
  enqueue(val, priority) {
    let newNode = new Node(val, priority)
  bubbleUp() {
    let index = this.values.length - 1
    const element = this.values[index]
    while (index > 0) {
      let parentIndex = Math.floor((index - 1) / 2)
      let parent = this.values[parentIndex]
      if (element.priority >= parent.priority) break // compare the priority, not the value.
      this.values[parentIndex] = element
      this.values[index] = parent
      index = parentIndex

  dequeue() {
    //removes root element, returns it, and rearranges heap using priority.
    const min = this.values[0]
    const end = this.values.pop()
    if (this.values.length > 0) {
      this.values[0] = end
      // sink down
    return min

  sinkDown() {
    let index = 0
    const length = this.values.length
    const element = this.values[0]
    while (true) {
      let leftChildIndex = 2 * index + 1
      let rightChildIndex = 2 * index + 2
      let leftChild, rightChild
      let swap = null

      if (leftChildIndex < length) {
        leftChild = this.values[leftChildIndex] // 39
        if (leftChild.priority < element.priority) {
          swap = leftChildIndex
      if (rightChildIndex < length) {
        rightChild = this.values[rightChildIndex] //41
        if (
          (swap === null && rightChild.priority < element.priority) || // swap never set to left child
          (swap !== null && rightChild.priority < leftChild.priority) //
        ) {
          swap = rightChildIndex
      if (swap === null) break
      this.values[index] = this.values[swap] // swapping with either the left or right child.
      this.values[swap] = element
      index = swap

let ER = new PriorityQueue()
ER.enqueue('common cold', 5)
ER.enqueue('gunshot wound', 1)
ER.enqueue('high fever', 4)
ER.enqueue('broken arm', 2)
ER.enqueue('glass in foot', 3)

//  [ Node { val: 'gunshot wound', priority: 1 },
//    Node { val: 'broken arm', priority: 2 },
//    Node { val: 'high fever', priority: 4 },
//    Node { val: 'common cold', priority: 5 },
//    Node { val: 'glass in foot', priority: 3 } ] }

console.log(ER.dequeue()) // Node { val: 'gunshot wound', priority: 1 }
console.log(ER.dequeue()) // Node { val: 'broken arm', priority: 2 }
console.log(ER.dequeue()) // Node { val: 'glass in foot', priority: 3 }
console.log(ER.dequeue()) // Node { val: 'high fever', priority: 4 }
console.log(ER.dequeue()) // Node { val: 'common cold', priority: 5 }

Can see it doesn't matter what order we enqueue. We always dequeue the highest (lower number) priority.

Big O Binary Heaps

OperationTime Complexity
EnqueueO(log n)
DequeueO(log n)


Binary Heaps are very useful data structures for sorting, and implementing other data structures like priority queues.

Binary Heaps are either MaxBinaryHeaps or MinBinaryHeaps with parents either being smaller or larger than their children.

With just a little bit of math, we can represent heaps using arrays!